Category: Big Tits
Big tits Japanese girl is a favorite term for almost every JAV lovers, especially for the uncensored porn video. We know it, that is why we selectively compile some of the best porn video of this category here in Big tits is common in JAV culture, probably because they know that breast is very important for every guy’s fantasy.
JAV pornstars who categorize as a big tits one, usually have a C+ cup (US). Do not confused with a Japanese bra cup, that sometimes seems bigger that the western, but actually not. Japanese bra cup have 1-2 letter bigger than the western cup. For example, D cup in Japanese bra, usually only B or C in western bra cup standard.
Some of the big tits girl even have a very massive breast, so it is common for us to see J cups or even more. They can be a natural or fake one. We don’t care about that in this category. As long as the tits are big, they belong to listed here.
All of these big tits Japanese girls porn video are totally uncensored. No more annoying pixelate genital, especially on vagina or man’s dick. All of us hate the censored one, right? So, we do our best to make you happy by selectively show the best big tits girl video with hundred percent uncensored. Some of them are amateur pornstars, but there are also a well known one. Enjoy it all here for 100% free to watch in!